New! Use BohorShare to send large files over WIFI to other Phones, Tablets or PCs. Multiple devices can GET/download the shared file at the same time. (We've tested about 3 devices concurrently downloading a shared HD video at the same time through WIFI - some getting around 3MB/Second speed).Ideal for sharing newly taken video/audio of lectures/trainings immediately to other devices connected to phone's WIFI Hotspot or the same local WIFI Network - without having to wait for slow Internet uploading it to some online video or audio sharing service (which can be done at home later).
BohorShare can also use USB-Tethering to share the file to PCs (likely faster than WIFI).
There are 3 ways of connection to prepare for the file transfer:- Connect this (sender) device to a local WIFI then connect the other devices to the same network. - OR - Enable WIFI-Hotspot on this device and let other devices connect to it. - OR - For one PC only - connect PC to this device via USB then enable USB Tethering on this device.
Then, press SEND in BohorShare on this device - it would show a 'local' web URL address.
On the other (receiver) devices, you can open the web-browser and type in the address as shown from BohorShare on this device. The download would start from the browser automatically.
If you don't want to type in the address on other devices, you can install BohorShare app on other devices, open BohorShare and press GET to scan the QR Code from this device to start the download.
At the moment BohorShare can share only a single file at a time (as it was designed for large single file). In the future, we might add multiple file send/share support (automatic multiple downloads on receiver or a zipped file).
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